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NeXT TypedStream Data  |  2006-02-06  |  42KB  |  635 lines

  1. streamtyped
  2. NSIBObjectData
  3. NSObject
  4. NSCustomObject)
  5. NSString
  6. KFVParentalPreferences
  7. NSTableColumn)
  8. @fff@@cc
  9. address
  10. NSTableHeaderCell
  11. NSTextFieldCell>
  12. NSActionCell
  13. NSCellA
  14. Address
  15. NSFont
  16. [36c]
  17. NSColor
  18. System
  19. headerTextColor
  20. NSClassSwapper*
  21. KFVTableViewWithDelete
  22. NSTableView=
  23.     NSControl)
  24. NSView)
  25. NSResponder
  26. NSClipView:
  27. NSScrollView
  28. @@@@ffffffff
  29. NSMutableArray
  30. NSArray
  31. NSButton
  32. NSButtonCell?
  33. Use Blacklist
  34.     ssii@@@@@
  35. NSButtonImageSource
  36. NSSwitch
  37. [44c]
  38. NSMutableString
  39. NSTextField
  40. GWhen this feature is enabled, Web sites on this list may not be viewed.
  41. controlColor
  42. controlTextColor
  43. NSScroller
  44. _doScroller:
  45. NSTableHeaderView
  46. @@ccc
  47. controlBackgroundColor
  48. _NSCornerView
  49. ffffi
  50. @@@ff@@f::i
  51. description
  52. Description
  53. headerColor
  54.     gridColor
  55. linkcategory
  56. KFVTableViewWithDelete
  57. address
  58. Address
  59. description
  60. Description
  61. Homepage Institution Name:
  62. NSPopUpButton
  63. NSPopUpButtonCell
  64. NSMenuItemCell
  65. NSMenuItem
  66. NSMenu
  67. OtherViews
  68. i@@IIi@@@@:i@
  69. Home (Young children)
  70. NSCustomResource)
  71. NSImage
  72. NSMenuCheckmark
  73. NSMenuMixedState
  74. _popUpItemAction:
  75. Home (Older children)
  76. Education (Young children)
  77. Education (Older children)
  78.     Preschool
  79.     Custom...
  80. Homepage Design:
  81. textBackgroundColor
  82.     textColor
  83. KFVTableViewWithDelete
  84. address
  85. Address
  86. description
  87. Description
  88. Use Whitelists
  89. Visit Site
  90. KFVTableViewWithDelete
  91. enable
  92. Export This List
  93. [28c]
  94. Import New List
  95. NSSlider
  96. NSSliderCell
  97. ddddiii
  98. Whitelist
  99. Maximum distance off whitelist:
  100. `Double-click a list name to enable or disable that category (Use Whitelists must be turned on).
  101. Network updating...
  102. NSTabViewItem
  103. @@@@@@@
  104.     whitelist
  105. Whitelists
  106.     NSTabView
  107. NSCustomView)
  108. NSView
  109. NSResponder
  110. Allow downloading files
  111. Allow Java Applets
  112. <BumperCar does not filter content displayed by Java applets.
  113. Allow Javascript
  114. $Allow scripts to open pop-up windows
  115. "Limit total surfing hours per day:
  116. Clear downloads
  117. Limit surfing to between
  118. OtherViews
  119. 10 AM
  120. 11 AM
  121. 12 PM
  122. 10 PM
  123. 11 PM
  124. 12 AM
  125. OtherViews
  126. 10 AM
  127. 11 AM
  128. 12 PM
  129. 11 PM
  130. 12 AM
  131. 10 PM
  132. Block ad banners on pages
  133. NSImageView
  134. NSMutableSet
  135. NSSet
  136. Apple PDF pasteboard type
  137. 1NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type
  138. NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type
  139. NSFilenamesPboardType
  140. Apple PICT pasteboard type
  141. Apple PNG pasteboard type
  142. NSImageCell)
  143. safety_eggtimer
  144. View downloads
  145. Accept cookies
  146. FSome Web sites may not appear correctly if this feature is disabled.
  147. Download to...
  148. "Share settings with other accounts
  149. &Whitelist overrides content protection
  150. @@@icc
  151. general
  152. NSMatrix>
  153. #iiii:::ffffi@@@@@
  154. NSRadioButton
  155. Medium
  156. Custom
  157. NSImage.
  158. NSBitmapImageRep
  159. NSImageRep
  160. [1470c]MM
  161. Radio
  162. NSFilenamesPboardType
  163. safety_general
  164. System Font Text
  165. Small System Font Text
  166. Exit Preferences
  167. OtherViews
  168. Home (Young children)
  169. Home (Older children)
  170. Education (Young children)
  171. Education (Older children)
  172.     Preschool
  173.     Custom...
  174. Homepage theme:
  175. General
  176. homepage
  177. Homepage
  178. $Block Web sites containing profanity
  179. Prevent use of personal data:
  180. Filter search engine results
  181. Edit Profanity...
  182. NSFilenamesPboardType
  183. safety_content
  184. Enter any information you don't want posted to Web sites, such as first and last name (separately), phone number, or credit card number.
  185. Content
  186.     blacklist
  187.     Blacklist
  188. Other topics or worse:
  189. OtherViews
  190. May disturb very young children
  191. May set a bad example
  192. 'Promotes discrimination against a group
  193. Promotes weapon use
  194. Promotes gambling
  195. Promotes drug use
  196. Promotes alcohol
  197. Promotes smoking
  198. OtherViews
  199. 1. Violence against objects
  200. *2. Violence against unrealistic characters
  201. 3. Violence against animals
  202. 4. Violence against humans
  203. $5. Killing of unrealistic characters
  204. 6. Killing of animals
  205. 7. Killing of humans
  206. 28. Graphic violence against unrealistic characters
  207. #9. Graphic violence against animals
  208. #10. Graphic violence against humans
  209. 11. Sexual violence, rape
  210. Allow sports sites
  211. OtherViews
  212. 1. Mild expletives
  213. 2. Nonsexual profanity
  214. 3. Explicit sexual language
  215. )Sexual content at this level or stronger:
  216. OtherViews
  217. 1. Moderated (supervised) chat
  218. 2. Unmoderated chat
  219. "Chat rooms of this type or higher:
  220. Allow artistic sites
  221. *Violent content at this level or stronger:
  222. 4Block Web sites whose ratings indicate they contain:
  223. Allow educational sites
  224. Allow medical sites
  225. ,Explicit language at this level or stronger:
  226. OtherViews
  227. 1. Passionate kissing
  228. 2. Sexual touching
  229. 3. Implied sexual acts
  230. 4. Explicit sexual acts
  231. 5. Bare buttocks
  232. 6. Bare breasts
  233. 8. Male genitals
  234. 9. Detail of female genitals
  235. 7. Obscured female genitals
  236. NSFilenamesPboardType
  237. safety_ratings
  238. Ratings are subjective value judgments voluntarily added to pages by site operators. See the Help section for more information.
  239. Ratings
  240. NSOutlineView
  241. Label
  242. Clear History
  243. History
  244. Advanced
  245. NSSecureTextField
  246. Cancel
  247. Account:
  248.     Password:
  249. {Network list updating is only available with a BumperCar site license. Contact business@freeverse.com for more information.
  250. Enabled
  251. NSSwitch
  252. Edit Profanity:
  253. curse text here
  254. NSView
  255. NSResponder
  256. >The parental password is required to change these preferences.
  257. 8Are you sure you wish to delete this whitelist category?
  258. +An administrator password will be required.
  259. Cancel
  260. Delete
  261. =Enter a Web site to load when a new browser window is opened:
  262. http://
  263. Cancel
  264. NSWindowTemplate
  265. iiffffi@@@@@c
  266. Panel
  267. NSPanel
  268. Panel
  269. NSPanel
  270. Panel
  271. NSPanel
  272. Panel
  273. NSPanel
  274. NSBox*
  275. ff@@ccc
  276. Safety Settings
  277. NSWindow
  278. safetysettings
  279. NSButton49
  280. NSButton41
  281. NSMenuItem2
  282. File's Owner
  283. NSScrollView1
  284. NSTextField11111
  285.     Real view
  286. NSPopUpButton111
  287. NSScrollView1
  288. NSButton48
  289.     PopUpList
  290. NSButton47
  291. NSTableColumn
  292.     NSButton1
  293. NSButton47
  294.     NSButton3
  295. NSTextField11111112
  296. NSTextField1
  297. NSPopUpButton1
  298. NSButton
  299. NSTextField111111
  300. NSTextField21
  301.     NSButton2
  302. NSButton33
  303. NSTextField111113
  304. NSTableColumn
  305.     NSTabView
  306. NSTextField11
  307. NSButton44
  308. NSTextField1
  309. NSButton31
  310. NSScrollView1
  311. NSMenuItem1
  312. NSTextField111112
  313. NSPopUpButton2
  314. NSButton45
  315. NSButton42
  316. NSButton41
  317. NSTextField1
  318. NSTextField
  319. NSButton
  320. NSMenuItem1
  321. NSTableColumn
  322.     NSButton4
  323. NSPopUpButton1
  324. NSTextField11111112
  325. NSTextField111111
  326. NSButton44
  327. NSTextField111111
  328. NSSlider21
  329. NSMenuItem1
  330. delete whitelist
  331. NSButton31
  332. NSTableColumn
  333. NSTextField1
  334. NSTextField1
  335. NSView
  336. NSButton42
  337. NSTextField1111112
  338.     PopUpList
  339. NSMenuItem2
  340. NSButton43
  341. NSButton33
  342. NSMenuItem1
  343. NSView
  344. NSTextField
  345. NSButton46
  346. NSTableView
  347. NSTableView
  348.     NSButton4
  349. NSPopUpButton11
  350.     NSButton2
  351.     PopUpList
  352. NSButton
  353. NSTextField11
  354. NSButton31
  355. NSScrollView1
  356. NSTableView
  357. NSButton33
  358.     NSButton3
  359. NSTextField111
  360. NSButton
  361. NSTextField1
  362.     NSButton4
  363. NSPopUpButton
  364. profanity editor
  365. NSTextField2
  366.     PopUpList
  367. NSButton410
  368. NSTextField1111112
  369. NSPopUpButton
  370. NSMenuItem
  371. NSMenuItem2
  372. NSButton
  373. NSTextField2
  374. NSButton45
  375. NSScrollView1
  376. NSMenuItem2
  377. NSTextField11
  378. NSTableView
  379. NSTextField11111111
  380. NSButton32
  381. NSButton
  382. NSMenuItem1
  383.     NSButton1
  384. NSPopUpButton
  385. NSButton43
  386. NSButton31
  387. Window
  388. NSTextField111111111
  389. NSTextField2
  390. NSMenuItem2
  391. NSTableView
  392. NSTextField111112
  393. NSMenuItem
  394. NSButton
  395. NSTabViewItem
  396. NSButton32
  397. NSTextField1112
  398. NSMenuItem
  399. NSButton411
  400.     NSButton3
  401. NSButton
  402. NSTextField111
  403. Network whitelist updating
  404. NSTextField1113
  405. NSButton41
  406.     NSButton1
  407. NSTextField2
  408. NSButton311
  409. NSButton48
  410. NSButton33
  411. NSTableColumn
  412. NSTextField1111
  413. NSButton49
  414.     NSButton1
  415. NSButton46
  416.     NSButton3
  417. NSTextField1111121
  418.     NSButton3
  419. NSScrollView11
  420. NSTableColumn
  421.     PopUpList
  422. NSPopUpButton
  423. NSTextField111111111
  424. NSMenuItem2
  425.     PopUpList
  426. NSTextField2
  427.     PopUpList
  428.     NSButton1
  429. NSTextField1112
  430. NSBox
  431. NSTextField11
  432.     NSButton3
  433. NSMenuItem
  434. NSButton41
  435. NSMatrix111
  436. "Access Denied" view
  437.     NSButton3
  438. NSTextField2
  439.     NSSlider2
  440. NSTextField21
  441. NSTabViewItem1
  442. custom homepage
  443.     PopUpList
  444.     NSButton3
  445.     PopUpList
  446. NSButton
  447. NSMenuItem1
  448. NSTableView
  449. NSScrollView
  450. NSMenuItem1
  451. NSTextField21
  452. NSView
  453. NSMenuItem2
  454. NSTableColumn
  455. NSTextField1
  456. NSTextField
  457. NSTextField1
  458. NSMenuItem1
  459. NSTableView
  460. NSTextField1111111
  461. NSMenuItem1
  462. NSScrollView11
  463. NSNibOutletConnector
  464. NSNibConnector
  465. wlTable
  466. NSNibControlConnector
  467. wlAddEntry:
  468. wlDeleteEntry:
  469. delegate
  470. dataSource
  471. delegate
  472. dummyBox
  473.     fooWindow
  474. accessDeniedBox
  475. realPrefsBox
  476. wlRemoveButton
  477. flProfanityToggle
  478. flProfanityToggled:
  479. advTimeLimitBox
  480. advTimeLimitSlider
  481. advTimeBoxToggle:
  482. advTimeValueChange:
  483. flSearchFilterToggle
  484. flToggleSearchFilter:
  485. wlGlobalToggle
  486. wlToggleAll:
  487. advDownload
  488. advJava
  489. advJavascript
  490. advJSWindow
  491. advToggleDownloads:
  492. advToggleJava:
  493. advToggleJavascript:
  494. advToggleJSWindows:
  495. outlineTableColumn
  496. dataSource
  497. historyView
  498. wlOpenEntry:
  499. wlGoButton
  500. dataSource
  501. delegate
  502. flDataList
  503. flDataFilterToggle
  504. flToggleDataFilter:
  505. parentalTabs
  506. dataSource
  507. delegate
  508. wlTitleList
  509. flToggleRatingBox:
  510. flPickRatingLevel:
  511. flToggleRatingBox:
  512. flPickRatingLevel:
  513. flToggleRatingBox:
  514. flPickRatingLevel:
  515. flToggleRatingBox:
  516. flPickRatingLevel:
  517. flToggleRatingBox:
  518. flPickRatingLevel:
  519. flSexBox
  520.     flSexMenu
  521. flViolenceBox
  522. flViolenceMenu
  523. flLanguageBox
  524. flLanguageMenu
  525.     flChatBox
  526. flChatMenu
  527. flOtherBox
  528. flOtherMenu
  529. importTabFile:
  530. exportCurrentWhitelist:
  531. prebuiltSettingsMatrix
  532. selectCustomSetting:
  533. advBoundaryBox
  534. advStartMenu
  535. advFinishMenu
  536. advToggleBoundary:
  537. advPickTime:
  538. advPickTime:
  539. loadIndexedPage:
  540. loadIndexedPage:
  541. loadIndexedPage:
  542. loadIndexedPage:
  543. loadIndexedPage:
  544. loadIndexedPage:
  545. loadIndexedPage:
  546. homepageCategoryTable
  547. homepageLinkTable
  548. homepageLinkAdd
  549. homepageLinkDelete
  550. dataSource
  551. delegate
  552. homepageAddEntry:
  553. homepageDeleteEntry:
  554. advWhitelistDeviate
  555. flShowCurses:
  556. flAddCurse:
  557. flDeleteCurse:
  558. flDoneWithCurses:
  559. dataSource
  560. delegate
  561. flCurseSheet
  562. flCurseTable
  563. flCurseDelete
  564. blToggleUsed:
  565. blAddEntry:
  566. blDeleteEntry:
  567. blUseButton
  568. blTable
  569. blDeleteButton
  570. dataSource
  571. delegate
  572. wlAddButton
  573. wlImport
  574. wlExport
  575. loadIndexedPage:
  576. homepageURLType:
  577. homepageImageURL
  578. delegate
  579. homepageThemeToggle:
  580. homepageEducationMode
  581. selectCustomSetting:
  582. selectCustomSetting:
  583. selectCustomSetting:
  584. selectCustomSetting:
  585. advAdBlockBox
  586. advToggleAdBlocking:
  587. flAddData:
  588. flDeleteData:
  589. flDeleteData
  590. historyClear:
  591. advSetWhitelistDeviate:
  592. deleteWhitelistSheet
  593. acceptWhitelistDelete:
  594. acceptWhitelistDelete:
  595. delegate
  596. settingsTitleText
  597. settingDescText
  598. showDownloadsPassThrough:
  599. homepageURLPrompt
  600. blockCookieButton
  601. blockCookieToggle:
  602. toggleRatingException:
  603. toggleRatingException:
  604. toggleRatingException:
  605. toggleRatingException:
  606. eduExceptionBox
  607. medicalExceptionBox
  608. artisticExceptionBox
  609. sportsExceptionBox
  610. clearDownloads:
  611. historyClickedEntry:
  612. wlNetworkSheet
  613. wlAcceptNetworkEdit:
  614. wlAcceptNetworkEdit:
  615. chooseDownloadDirectoryPath:
  616. advBlockCookie
  617. generalClose:
  618. lastCurseField
  619. wlEditNetworkUpdate:
  620. wlNetworkAccount
  621. wlNetworkPassword
  622. toggleGlobalFolder:
  623. generalAccountShareBox
  624. customHomepageSheet
  625. customHomepageField
  626. acceptHomepageSheet:
  627. acceptHomepageSheet:
  628. homepageSecondaryMenu
  629. homepageThemeToggle:
  630.  toggleWhitelistOverridesContent:
  631. whitelistOverrideBox
  632. toggleNetworkUpdating
  633. networkUpdateBox
  634. IBCocoaFramework